The subtle Art of Self-Discovery

Published on 7 June 2024 at 03:55

 Like an artist!

Artist uses creativity, intuition, and self-expression to create a work of art, the process of self-discovery requires a similar approach. let's dive into the subtle Art of self-discovery. 

Part I

Life often presents us with a myriad of challenges that can leave us feeling empty and hurt. Whether it’s the result of personal loss, unfulfilled dreams, failed relationships, or a sense of existential despair, these experiences can strip away our sense of purpose and connection within ourselves. However, within this emptiness and pain lies the potential for a profound transformative journey towards the power of introspection and reflection. This journey is not just a passage through pain, but a pilgrimage towards wholeness, healing, and a deeper relationship with God. Leading to where it all started “In the Beginning “.

  There is no such thing called "SELF" without GOD. in reality , God's creation is a masterpiece, a reflection of His glory and majesty. Each intricate detail, each vibrant color, each gentle breeze, and roaring thunderstorm bears witness to His creative genius. In his hands, the universe is a symphony of beauty and wonder, a testament to His eternal presence and unfailing love. As we marvel at the wonders of his creation, let us remember that we are also part of God's divine plan. We are his beloved children, made after his own image and likeness. Meaning as we are discovering God, we are also discovering our true identities. 

Who is GOD?

God is understood as the supreme being, the creator of the universe, and the central figure of worship. Absolutely true; However, GOD is love and all form of love comes from Him.

Intrinsic love

"God is love" means that love is not just one of God's many attributes; it is central to His very own being. It's intrinsic to who He is. Love also reproduce itself (Gen:1-26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”). God made us gods over the universe. He reproduced himself through us. As God , we need to feel compelled to demonstrate love with others, creating a ripple effect of empowerment, and connection in our society and beyond.


Trinital love

The Trinity describes God as three distinct persons Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit and yet one God. Trinitarian love emphasizes the communal nature of God's love within this triune relationship. The idea is that within the Trinity, there is a perfect, eternal, and self-giving love between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each person of the Trinity loves and is loved by the others in a harmonious, reciprocal (John 14:16-17). This love is characterized by unity, equality, and mutual submission.(2 Corin 13:14) .The Trinity lives in a perfect union of love. The Trinitarian model of love as a paradigm for human relationships, encouraging believers to love one another with the same selflessness, unity, and sacrificial love modeled by the persons of the Trinity. It also suggests that authentic love involves relationship and community, mirroring the divine relationship within the Trinity.(1 John 4:7-8)


Transformative love

 When individuals accept and experience God's love, it transforms them. They are called to reflect this divine love in their interactions with others. This is seen in Jesus' command to "love one another as I have loved you" (John 15:12). Love is the not just feelings it’s the attitude we adopt towards ourself and others. Infact, we grow in love when we allow the spirit of God to work in us. Love is the first and most foundational fruit of the Spirit  (Gal 5:22-23). It can be considered the most important fruit because it is the basis for all other fruits and the foundation of Christian character. Love is we not just a feeling, the Bible demostrate that love is a command, a choice and an action. As we are embarking in this self-discovery journey; we do not need to fix our attitudes but we need an attitude transformation through the power of God.


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